About scammers
Nowadays not every pet seller is conscientious. So, here you can find out how not to become a victim of fraud.
Secondhand dealers (SHD) are well mastered sellers of pets in instagam and other popular networks. They have no need to rear/breed puppies, that is why they only promote their profiles with tens thousands of fake followers. So that future buyers can find only them while searching.
SHD buy 1.5-2 months old puppies from bad breeders. Good breeders are afraid of SHD. “Breeders” (who only produce big amounts of bad quality puppies) sell the dogs in great numbers. There can be puppies from cages or farms - you will never recognize. 1.5 months old puppy is taken to SHD, bathed, photographed and then will be sold for a lot of money.
🔺If you buy a puppy from SHD you will never know what puppy you have chosen. They can show you photos of stunning dogs, but not of your puppy’s parents. Because SHD have never seen them. Therefore you cannot know what puppy are you buying and how will he/she grow up.
🔺You can deliver fake documents (fake pedigree and etc.).
🔺Health is the most important thing. A big number of relocations is a terrible punch for puppy’s health. All vaccines could be fake. There are many cases when sold by SHD puppies were ill (enteritis) and then died. The state of health of puppy depends on the conditions (where he/she was growing up); in the case of SHD you cannot know about it.
Attentively look at the photo. The kennel lives by it’s own life, it has adult dogs, old dogs, puppies. All that facts are at photos. SHD has only puppy’s photos and rarely photos of adults (sometimes they are grown up already sold dogs). 🔸Tens of puppy’s photos and several adults’ photos are the main feature of SHD
🔸Look through the puppy’s description. Good breeder often writes about the color, teeth, flaws (if they are), about the parents and other useful information. SHD advertises the puppies for dabblers, that is why in the advertisement you can find phrases like that: “micro”, “bear”, “teacup”, “very very xxs small size” and other sonorous epithets, but no one word about the parents and etc. 🔸Look through the description of the page. There could be phrases: “the best puppies”, “elite pomeranian”, “premium class”, “best poms” and etc. All of that indicates that there is a show , but not kennel in front of you.
Be careful! Try to find good breeders and avoid the secondhand dealers!